
The Paypers launches the Global Ecommerce Report 2025

Wednesday 4 December 2024 14:52 CET | News

The Paypers launches the 2025 edition of the Global Ecommerce Report – Tackling Challenges and International Expansion with Strategic Partnerships.

The first edition of the Global Ecommerce Report highlights the transformative shifts in the ecommerce and payments industries, being a new iteration of our flagship Cross-Border Payments and Ecommerce Report. With the increased tendency towards globalisation, digitalisation, and hyper-personalisation, cross-border ecommerce is no longer just about selling across borders – it has become a global experience driven by customer choice and enabled by evolving technologies.

We’re living in an era characterised by change, and businesses interested in doing more than just surviving must stay informed about industry trends, emerging payment technologies, and thriving growth markets. Global ecommerce is an industry significantly impacted by this ongoing evolution, as evidenced by the market value projections for 2024, which are expected to amount to USD 4.12 trillion. With a CAGR rate of 9.49% between 2024-2029, the value will reportedly reach USD 6.48 trillion by 2029.

Within this context, the Global Ecommerce Report – Tackling Challenges and International Expansion with Strategic Partnerships aims to be a guide for navigating this complex landscape. In this new edition, we have compiled insights from key stakeholders – top industry consultants, merchants, and payment service providers (PSPs) – who answer the most pressing questions and share winning strategies.

Report highlights

Here’s a glimpse into what to expect:

  • An exploration of the current ecommerce landscape – from how emerging trends drive ecommerce and the new generation of domestic card schemes to regulatory developments to consider when balancing protection and industry growth;

  • Strategic partners as key enablers in keeping up with the pace of change – learn about the payment trends and developments shaping global commerce, how to navigate the industry’s complexities, how optimised payments can unlock business growth, and the importance of FX for merchants;

  • How to improve performance with payment orchestration – from how the technology impacts ecommerce and can help solve merchant challenges to what it means for interoperability;

  • Payment trends and opportunities in growth markets – including a global perspective, as well as a close-up on the APAC, LATAM, and MEA regions;

  • Payment shifts in travel, retail, and gaming – where we explore payment considerations when expanding across borders, the effect of GenAI on ecommerce, and the role younger generations play in changing payments in the gaming industry.

Original research by The Paypers

Setting out to address one of the biggest trends of the payments industry, namely payment orchestration, the Global Ecommerce Report 2025 includes an infographic with the capabilities of payment orchestration providers worldwide. Moreso, we’ve included a section that details the regions where these players activate, seeking to offer an educational resource and starting point for businesses interested in partnering when expanding across borders.

A second infographic within the report focuses on six growth markets, namely Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, Vietnam, and the Philippines. We’ve analysed each one, covering significant local developments – ecommerce trends, popular payment methods, and customer behaviours –, regulatory aspects impacting payments, ecommerce, and fraud, anticipated future developments, and relevant payment methods. Leveraging Worldpay data, the infographic also showcases stats regarding ecommerce market size projections, payment method shares, and POS card scheme shares.

Both infographics have been crafted to serve as tools for those players seeking to expand their reach.


For their valuable contributions to our report, we want to thank our supporting partners – Edgar, Dunn & Company (EDC), Merchant Risk Council (MRC), and Redbridge Debt and Treasury Advisory – and our key media partners, E-commerce Berlin Expo and Merchant Payments Ecosystem (mpe).

Without further ado, we invite you to download your free copy HERE and read the Global Ecommerce Report 2025 – Tackling Challenges and International Expansion with Strategic Partnerships!

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Keywords: report, paytech, fintech, merchants, ecommerce, PSP, card scheme, FX , cross-border payments, cross-border ecommerce
Categories: Payments & Commerce
Countries: World
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