
SecureAuth partners with SystemDomain for passwordless authentication

Friday 23 December 2022 12:09 CET | News

US-based identity access management security solutions SecureAuth has partnered with IT Professional firm SystemDomain to provide passwordless authentication.

Following this partnership, SystemDomain will benefit from the SecureAuth’s Arculix solutions. This product of SecureAuth was designed to provide passworldless and continuous authentication possibilities across the cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.

According to SystemDomain’s CEO, Shubhi Garg, the solution is aimed at making enterprises more secure. The partnership will protect the business-critical data and applications by providing SecureAuth’s authentication solutions, as well as enhancing SystemDomain’s product portfolio in its Cyber Security business unit. 

Chief marketing officer at SecureAuth, Mandeep Khera, also mentioned that the company will get exposure to SystemDomain’s client portfolio through this collaboration. Furthermore, this will allegedly open new marketing channels and possibilities and help to increase the growing market share in the authentication segment.

US-based company SecureAuth has partnered with IT Professional Services firm System Domain to provide passwordless authentication.


SecureAuth’s strategy and partnerships

SecureAuth is an US-based identity access management security solution that offers its clients and customers passwordless authentication, multifactor authentication, SSO, 2-factor authentication and single sign-on services that provides access control to mobile devices, web applications, cloud, and network resources. 

Arculix is a platform created by SecureAuth. It was launched earlier in 2022 and it incorporates risk intelligence and behavioural modelling for a frictionless authentication and user experience. It’s a platform that is designed to combine orchestration, passwordless technology, and continuous authentication. Arculix can be deployed as a full end-to-end solution, or augment already existing IAM investments with consolidation to any industry standard identity provider.  

The Arculix Integrations can be easily applied and integrated with cloud services providers, VPN for remote access, and web applications as well. It provides a multifactor authentication (MFA) and further protects the current enterprise Identity Access Management (IAM). 

In November 2022, SecureAuth joined the Identity Defines Security Allience to contribute and find solutions to the global digital identity security problems. IDSA members partnered together to advance the identity approaches to security and to find new ways to solve and protect clients from contemporary threats. 

SecureAuth offered its customers and client organisations solutions to avoid password-related attacks and, with its Arculix platform, provided them the ability to authenticate with passworless technology. SecureAuth’s partnership with IDSA provided practices and security strategies for businesses and organisations of all sizes to preventing cyber-attacks and fraud.

SystemDomain’s strategy 

American IT Professional Services company SystemDomain provides integration and professional services to its clients, such as the utility, healthcare, research and financial organisations and businesses. The firm’s focus is on Cyber Security and Risk Management, Data Analytics, Cloud Services, and Digital Innovation. System Domain offers cost-effective services as well, with its offshore software development and support centre.

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Keywords: partnership, multi-factor authentication, fraud management, digital identity, two-factor authentication
Categories: Fraud & Financial Crime
Companies: SecureAuth, SystemDomain
Countries: United States
This article is part of category

Fraud & Financial Crime




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