Voice of the Industry

How to balance rapid company growth in the ever-changing payment landscape

Thursday 22 June 2023 09:54 CET | Editor: Diana Lupuleac | Voice of the industry

Aleksander Bobrov, CEO of COLIBRIX, provides his perspective on how payment companies can ensure sustained growth while embracing the ongoing evolution of the payment industry. 


Managing rapid growth in the ever-evolving payment sector is a formidable challenge for companies in the industry. With technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing customer preferences, it becomes crucial to keep a balance between scaling operations and maintaining adaptability. What are these effective strategies for payment companies to sustain growth while managing the dynamic nature of the industry? How can companies ensure they are staying ahead of emerging trends? Are there specific technologies or innovations that companies can leverage to facilitate rapid growth?

Using an Agile organisational structure 

To sustain growth, payment companies can adopt an agile organisational structure. This structure promotes flexibility, quick decision-making, and efficient resource allocation. 

As an example: in an agile organisation, teams are working around specific projects or initiatives rather than traditional departments. These cross-functional teams consist of members from different disciplines and backgrounds who collaborate closely to achieve common goals. 

As a further illustration: Agile organisations empower teams to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Rather than relying on top-down directives, teams are given autonomy to determine how to best achieve their objectives. This fosters a sense of ownership, creativity, and accountability among team members, leading to increased productivity and adaptability, enabling companies to stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced payment landscape.

Embrace technological innovation 

At the core of successful growth management in the payment industry lies an unwavering commitment to technological innovation. Staying ahead of the curve demands significant investment in cutting-edge technologies. By adopting digital transformation, payment companies can leverage innovative fintech solutions to streamline processes, enhance security, and deliver seamless customer experiences.

Invest in talent development 

Sustainable growth in the payment industry requires a skilled workforce capable of navigating the shifting payments environment. Enterprises should prioritise talent development initiatives, including training, upskilling, and talent acquisition. Investing in employee development can help companies foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Companies can also establish special mentorship programs to facilitate knowledge transfer and empower employees to become future leaders, thus fostering talent development within the company. Skilled professionals equipped with the latest industry knowledge and expertise will drive the company's growth and enable it to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving payment landscape.

Prioritise regulatory compliance 

As the payment landscape continues to evolve, so do regulatory frameworks. Payment companies must prioritise compliance with existing regulations and anticipate future changes. By staying abreast of regulatory developments, payment providers can adapt their operations and ensure that their growth trajectory aligns with legal and compliance requirements. Proactively engaging with regulators and participating in industry discussions helps payment companies shape the regulatory landscape and drive growth within established boundaries.

Customer-centric approach

Maintaining a customer-centric approach is paramount for sustained growth. Companies should invest in understanding their customers' evolving needs and preferences. By actively soliciting feedback, analysing customer data, and delivering personalised experiences, companies can build strong customer relationships and drive loyalty. Additionally, adopting a flexible product development process, with a focus on gradual improvements and rapid iterations, allows companies to adapt their offerings to meet customer demands swiftly. 

Generally speaking, effectively managing fast company growth in the dynamic payment sector requires a strategic and holistic approach. By embracing technological innovation, aligning with regulations, cultivating an agile culture, and adopting a customer-centric approach, payment companies can navigate the challenges of startup expansion while staying competitive in the ever-changing industry. 

The ability to adapt quickly to market changes and maintain a great experience for the client are the key drivers of success.  By incorporating these strategies, payment companies can strike a balance, positioning themselves as leaders in the evolving payment landscape.

About Aleksander Bobrov

Aleksander Bobrov is the CEO of COLIBRIX. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry, which has helped him gain a profound understanding of the payments landscape and enhance his management capabilities. During his tenure, he has demonstrated the ability to identify strategic partners worldwide and succeeded in expanding a company's customer portfolio in Europe and Southeast Asia, diversifying across various industries from low to high-risk. Aleksander believes that with the right mindset, dedication, and diversity – not only of gender, but of thought – it's possible to achieve success while also making a positive impact on the world.


COLIBRIX is a UK-based FCA-authorised EMI that provides payment processing solutions for businesses of all  types and sizes concerning social, commercial, and governance criteria. COLIBRIX is committed to helping its merchants make their businesses more efficient and profitable through broad easy-to-use and cost-effective services. COLIBRIX payment solutions include global card processing, digital wallet operations, cross-border merchant accounts, multiple APMs support, and current corporate accounts for legal entities.

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Keywords: payments , customer experience, compliance, fintech, payment facilitator
Categories: Payments & Commerce
Companies: Colibrix
Countries: World
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Payments & Commerce


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