
Money Dashboard, Wealthify team up to help users track investments

Friday 6 March 2020 11:54 CET | News

The free personal finance app, Money Dashboard, has paired up with Wealthify, an online investment service backed by Aviva.

This partnership will allow users to track their investments, credit, and saving accounts in real time.

While Money Dashboard is used by the clients to see how much they have saved and spent, set budgets and plan for the future, Wealthify is allowing its customers to invest as much as they want across original or ethical ISAs, General Investment Accounts, Junior ISAs and soon-to-be-launched Self Invested Personal Pensions.

This tie-up follows Money Dashboard’s recent partnerships with banks including Monzo, Starling Bank and Revolut.
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Keywords: Money Dashboard, Wealhify, partnership, investment app, credit, savings, UK, challenger banks
Categories: Banking & Fintech
Countries: United Kingdom
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Banking & Fintech