Mintos is taking a series of measures to shield investors from the potential financial fallout of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Earlier, the lending marketplace said it said it was taking the ‘precautionary measure’ of limiting investors’ access to loans from the two countries on its Conservative Strategy, which is made up of lending firms with the best portfolio quality, reportedly.
Mintos has now doubled down on its measures and is now excluding all loans from Russia and Ukraine from its main Primary Market. The platform has also paused currency exchanges to and from the rouble for all currencies.
Mintos said it would be monitoring rouble currency developments daily. It said its move to exclude all loans from Russia and Ukraine from the primary market would begin straight away and last until further notice.
The move by Mintos will impact loans from Creditter, DoZarplati, EcoFinance, Kviku, Lime, Mikro Kapital, Mokka, and Soscrdit. Mintos has previously removed access to loans issued in Kazakhstan, responding to social upheaval in the country.
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