
Walmart, Rakuten partner on digital bookshop

Friday 24 August 2018 13:58 CET | News

Walmart has announced the launch of a digital bookshop in partnership with Japan-based ecommerce company Rakuten`s Kobo, an electronic book service.

Walmart shoppers who will be using the new platform will have access to e-readers made by Kobo, a division of Rakuten, in stores and online on Walmart’s official website.

Customers will have access to Kobo’s library of nearly six million titles from more than 30,000 publishers. They will be able to obtain ebooks and audiobooks through Walmart’s official website and through a co-branded Walmart-Kobo application that will be available on mobile devices, desktop computers, and Kobo’s e-readers.

Earlier in August 2018, Walmart and Flipkart have announced the closing of the agreements for Walmart to become the largest shareholder in the Flipkart Group.

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Keywords: Walmart, Rakuten, Kobo, partnership, ecommerce
Countries: World