
New Peruvian taxpayers join e-invoicing rollout in 2015

Monday 8 December 2014 13:25 CET | News

In late 2013, the Peruvian National Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) rolled out a project to implement mandatory electronic invoicing, points out.

According to the source, resolution Nº 374-2013 has urged a group of 239 of the country’s big businesses to sign up to the Electronic Issuance System (SEE) by October 1, 2014. However, these taxpayers have until the end of the year to comply with the approval process for their accounting systems.

In September 2014, a new SUNAT resolution signalled another step towards massification of the Comprobante de Pago Electrónico (CPE) or electronic payment proof. It set out a schedule for hundreds of companies to join the SEE in 2015. As of January 1, 2015, it will be the turn of the taxpayers indicated in Annex J of this resolution. A few months later, in July 2015, taxpayers classed as major national contributors as listed in this document will also have to sign up.

There are currently two mechanisms in place for electronic transactions. On one hand, the so-called SEE-SOL or SUNAT electronic issuance system. This portal is aimed primarily at micro-businesses with low billing volumes. On the other, the Taxpayer SEE is an alternative designed for medium-sized and large companies that need to integrate and automate procedures.

Moreover, the technical requirements state that the CPE should be generated according to international standard UBL 2.0. This allows greater integration with partners in the European Union or APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum). In other words, it facilitates interoperability with other regions of the world and gives a boost to cross-border trade.

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Keywords: Peruvian, taxpayers, e-invoicing, rollout, SUNAT, mandatory, electronic, invoicing, EDICOM, Electronic Issuance System, SEE, APEC, CPE
Categories: Banking & Fintech
Countries: World
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