
Latin America is at the forefront of electronic invoicing

Friday 19 December 2014 00:27 CET | News

Electronic invoicing is currently in full expansion worldwide, reports.

The source points out that according to Billentis, in 2014 roughly 40 billion invoices will be exchanged in this format. Of these, more than half, about 25 billion, correspond to Latin America.

This region has already become the most advanced in the field in the international scope, due to the fiscal policies carried out by the governments of the various states.

Mexico is positioned as the front runner. This year the country celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Digital Tax Receipt via Internet with a high degree of penetration. Since 2014, the so-called CFDI is mandatory for almost all taxpayers. Now, the Tax Administration Service continues to develop policies designed to cut down the number of administrative procedures on paper. For example, new measures to encourage electronic accounting or the new e-document for tax withholdings and payment information.

Along with Mexico, Brazil has one of the highest rates of uptake. According to Billentis, in this case the figure is around 90 %. This is due to strict legislation rolled out some years ago, which requires a large number of taxpayers to use the digital document known as Nota Fiscal Electrónica (NF-e).

The source indicates that in Chile, adoption of this system is also widespread, although until recently the Electronic Tax Document was voluntary. It is estimated that more than half of all invoices are now generated electronically, and an ongoing high growth rate is expected due to the new policies. In October 2014, the country’s big businesses were required to sign up and the Internal Revenue Service expects migration to be completed by 2018.

In the group of e-invoicing early adopter countries, there is also Guatemala, the source adds. There, since 2013, the FACe scheme is mandatory for all individuals or legal entities classified as special taxpayers.

The source also highlights that 2014 has also been a year of great breakthroughs for Uruguay, which is destined soon to become another of the leading countries in e-invoicing. D.G.I. Resolution Nº 798/2012 has prompted around a thousand large companies to start using the electronic invoice for tax purposes known as Comprobante Fiscal Electrónico. Currently, the General Directorate of Taxation plans to set out a schedule for adaptation that includes new groups of taxpayers. A similar measure was taken by Argentina with General Resolution 3571/2013, which led thousands of taxpayers to sign up to this system between April and August. Moreover, in recent months the Federal Administration of Public Revenue has decided to include new sectors in e-invoicing, such as the mining industry .

Ecuador has adopted a similar model to these countries and is currently immersed in the process of rolling out electronic invoicing. On October 1, 2014, the first taxpayer group signed up and the rollout of electronic invoicing is expected to be completed in 2015.

In Peru, taxpayers have been able to present their bills electronically on a voluntary basis since 2010, although legislation is moving towards making it mandatory. This year, 239 of the country’s largest companies had to roll out the system and according to some newspapers, the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration proposes that 100% of taxpayers should be using electronic billing by 2017. However, no legislative action has yet been taken in this sense.

Another new feature 2014 is the announcement by the Costa Rica Ministry of Finance of a new project for mandatory e-billing and e-signature. The new system, which still has no release date, will replace the setup rolled out in 2013 to ensure information processing.

Finally, the source indicates that over the coming year, electronic invoicing is expected to keep on growing worldwide. The policies promoted in the Latin American states are already configured as a role model for many European and Asian countries, such as Vietnam.

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Keywords: Latin America, electronic, invoicing, electronic invoicing, edicom group, CFDI, Digital Tax Receipt via Internet, e-document, Nota Fiscal Electrónica, Electronic Tax Document, Face, Comprobante Fiscal Electrónico
Categories: Banking & Fintech
Countries: World
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