
Sumsub launches Non-Doc Verification in the US

Thursday 22 February 2024 14:35 CET | News

UK-based security and transaction monitoring solutions provider Sumsub has announced the launch of its Non-Doc Verification solution in the US. 

As per the information detailed in the press release, Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification solution focuses on reducing fraud-related attacks as it covers over 292 million active mobile users and can apply to international clients needing to onboard US-based applicants, including those in the UK, Honk Hong, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.

UK-based security and transaction monitoring solutions provider Sumsub has announced the launch of its Non-Doc Verification solution in the US.

Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification capabilities

Offering a simplified and convenient customer onboarding process, Non-Doc Verification focuses on removing the need for users to manually input their data, minimising errors, and enhancing data quality. Considering that US applicants are not required to share their Social Security Number (SSN) or upload ID scans, Sumsub’s solution intends to provide a safer and more secure onboarding experience, with users only needing to input their phone numbers. Currently, the solution covers approximately 90% of active mobile number users in the US and, on average, businesses are presented with a 91.64% user pass rate when leveraging Sumsub’s Know Your Customer (KYC) service.

According to Sumsub’s officials, the Non-Doc Verification solution aims to improve digital verification by eliminating traditional document-based checks. The inclusive product focuses on eliminating the need for users to share their documents, catering to applicants who own poor-quality cameras or those processing old or damaged documents typically rejected during the KYC process. Sumsub intends to popularise document-free onboarding practices, thus making digital services more accessible globally. The launch also aligns with Sumsub’s commitment to enhance the overall digital environment.

More details about Sumsub’s solution

Ensuring the same level of security as traditional KYC, document-free verification supports a simplified and convenient onboarding process for customers, as they need to only provide a phone number and their date of birth to initiate the procedure. After running a mobile authentication with a One-Time Passcode (OTP) check, Sumsub extracts pre-verified user information leveraging mobile phone data from Telecom providers in the US. The applicant then receives its verification confirmation on their screen, while the customer company can check if the user’s data is authentic and up to date and determine their trustworthiness.

Furthermore, Non-Doc Verification aims to offer a secure and user-centric onboarding experience for the applicants while preventing fraudulent activities during transactions, including opening an account, depositing, transferring, and withdrawing funds. The solution also minimises promo and bonus abuse for digital payment providers, e-wallets, and iGaming platforms, as it inhibits duplicate accounts, bot traffic, and payout to fake users, while financial services firms receive an improved credit card digital onboarding experience.

Currently, Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification solution is available for onboarding approximately 2 billion users globally, including countries such as the UK, the Netherlands, India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, and Nigeria, among others.

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Keywords: KYC, digital onboarding, identity verification, product launch, fraud management
Categories: Fraud & Financial Crime
Companies: Sumsub
Countries: United States
This article is part of category

Fraud & Financial Crime


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