
Amazon, PayPal, Google, Microsoft and Facebook emerge as main BYOID providers

Wednesday 6 August 2014 00:51 CET | News

Amazon, PayPal, Google, Microsoft and Facebook have proven to be the preferred identity providers with the rise of Bring Your Own Identity (BYOID), a recent study reveals.

According to a new research from the Ponemon Institute, which examines business user and IT department attitudes toward BYOID and covers the India and Australia regions, there is a high level of interest in BYOID and using social identities such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Yahoo, with 50% of IT and 63% of business users globally expressing high or very high interest and even higher amongst Australian business users at 74%.

In what concerns the consumers’ preference of social ID, findings indicate that Google ranked first among both IT users and business users globally but business users in Australia ranked Facebook the highest.

Also, IT and business users agree upon the importance of BYOID adoption in their organisation in order to achieve a stronger identity credential and get a higher level of confidence in the identity of the user (69% and 65% respectively), especially in Australia where 85% of business users feel this way.

However, in terms of prioritization, IT and business users have different opinions, as the research reveals that only 27% of business respondents believe formal accreditation of the identity provider was essential, while 59% of IT users believe formal accreditation is very important.


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Keywords: Amazon, PayPal, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, BYOID, web fraud, digital identity
Categories: Fraud & Financial Crime
Countries: World
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Fraud & Financial Crime