Find here all the latest articles, news, and research on MPI Licence and other MPI Licence-related topics:
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Hong Kong-based payment technology provider Reap has announced that it secured an in-principal approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for its application for the major payment institution (MPI) licence.
MPI licence, regulation, compliance, online payments, digital payments
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has granted Skyee an In-Principle Approval (IPA) for the Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence.
regulation, e-money, MPI licence, cross-border payments, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
XTransfer, a B2B cross-border trade payment platform, has been granted the Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
payments , ecommerce, MPI licence, cross-border payments, SMEs
Singapore-based all-in-one finance platform Aspire has announced that it secured its in-principal approval (IPA) for the Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
MPI licence, online payments, online platform, financial services, cross-border payments, SMEs
US-based crypto company BitGo has received a Major Payment Institution License from Singapore's MAS, allowing it to offer regulated payment token services.
cryptocurrency, MPI licence, regulation, blockchain
Global payment solution provider, Bamboo Payment, has recently announced it received a financial institution licence from the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).
PSP, MPI licence, online payments, digitalisation, digital payments, cross-border payments, merchant, financial inclusion, financial institutions, local payment method, digital wallet, expansion, instant payments, online security
Hex Trust has obtained in-principle approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore for a Major Payment Institution licence.
cryptocurrency, MPI licence, expansion, blockchain
XTransfer has received in-principle approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore for a Major Payment Institution Licence.
MPI licence, financial services, cross-border payments, e-money
Singapore-based commerce platform for SMEs HitPay has announced that it received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
MPI licence, cross-border payments, SMEs, compliance, online security, online payments
Taiwan-based blockchain fintech company XREX has obtained a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
MPI licence, blockchain, B2B payments, remittance, stablecoin
UK-based payment services provider TerraPay has received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
money transfer, remittance, MPI licence, cross-border payments, regulation
Payment processing solutions company PayRetailers has announced that it secured its approval from the Central Bank of Brazil (BC) to operate as a payment institution.
mobile payments, online payments, MPI licence, cross-border payments, cross-border logistics
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has granted a Major Payment Institution license to crypto market maker GSR Markets.
cryptocurrency, regulation, MPI licence, trading platform, Bitcoin
Cross-border payments provider Currencycloud has received in principle approval for an MPI licence in Singapore.
expansion, MPI licence, compliance, cross-border payments
Singapore-based commerce platform for SMEs HitPay has secure in-principle approval for an MPI licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
MPI licence, expansion, payments , compliance
US-based crypto custodian BitGo has obtained in-principle approval for a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence in Singapore.
MPI licence, compliance, expansion, cryptocurrency
Crypto exchange Upbit Singapore has received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
cryptocurrency exchange, digital assets, MPI licence, regulation, compliance
US-based blockchain and crypto solutions company Ripple has been granted an MPI licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
cryptocurrency, MPI licence, regulation, digital assets, digitalisation
The Singapore branch of Sygnum has obtained a Major Payment Institution Licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
regulation, MPI licence, digital assets, banking
Digital currency platform Coinbase has obtained a Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
digital currency, cryptocurrency, MPI licence, regulation, digital assets, expansion