Mobile Wallet News

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Digital wallets – a means to further A2A payments

Interviews | Payments General | 26 Jul 2024

Fabian Mansfeld, Chief Acceptance Market Strategy Officer of the European Payments Initiative (EPI), discusses A2A payments and EPI’s plans for a European digital wallet.

payment methods, A2A payments, payment scheme, P2P, online payments, financial institutions, merchants, ecommerce, mobile wallet, POS, regulation, PSD3, Open Banking, Open Finance, online security, data, paytech, fintech, B2C, recurring payments, financial data

Why Visa doubles down on mobile wallets, and why you should too

Webinar | Online Payments | 23 Nov 2022

This webinar hosted by The Paypers focused on the importance of interoperability and inter-connection between banks and mobile wallets all around the world.

Thunes, Visa, mobile wallet, digital payments, financial institutions