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How merchants can prevent online fraud and chargebacks in digital goods markets

Interviews | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 14 Oct 2024

In this interview, Sandrine Vella, Payment and Fraud Director, and Andrea Nicoletti, Director of Customer Experience and Sales Administration at Nexway, share insights on the strategies merchants in the digital goods markets should consider to prevent online fraud and chargebacks.

digital payments, ecommerce, fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, merchant, risk management, fraud prevention, payment fraud, digital wallet, mobile payments, e-wallet, artificial intelligence, false declines, customer experience, transaction monitoring, behavioural biometrics, online authentication, PSD2, PCI compliance

MPE Berlin 2024: the future of payments and fraud by leveraging AI and other emerging technologies

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 11 Jul 2024

The Positivity Magazine launched by the Merchant Payments Ecosystem (MPE) each year gathers professionals in the field of payments and fraud prevention tackling the hottest topics in the industry, while also summarising the most prevalent discussions during the event in Berlin.

mobile payments, online payments, payments , fraud detection, fraud management, online fraud, fraud prevention, artificial intelligence, machine learning, chat commerce, generative AI, biometrics, behavioural biometrics, merchant, Acquirer, PSD2, false declines

Converting the sales funnel: how to materially increase ecommerce performance

Voice of the Industry | Ecommerce | 21 Jun 2024

Daniel Kornitzer, Board Advisor at FlexFactor, discusses the current challenges of ecommerce merchants in the US and how curing transaction declines can  significantly increase ecommerce performance.

ecommerce, online payments, checkout optimisation , false declines, artificial intelligence, authorisation rate, merchants, real-time payments, Gen Z, payments

Unlocking the power of BIN data

Voice of the Industry | Cards | 11 Jun 2024

Albert Drouart, CPO and co-founder of Pagos Solutions, discusses the significance of Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) data in optimising payment strategies and enhancing customer insights.

bank account, credit card, online payments, digital identity, Issuer, virtual card, debit card, PSP, false declines, subscription payments, tokenization, online authentication, two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, optimization, checkout optimisation

Landsbankinn integrates with CBA

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 06 Mar 2024

Iceland-based Landsbankinn has announced its partnership with Norwegian software vendor CBA in order to use its IBAS BGF for the reduction of false positives. 

partnership, false positive, false declines, payments , banking, online banking, digital banking, mobile banking, financial services, financial institutions

Why it is time to give payments a seat at the table

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 12 Sep 2023

Julie Simon, VP of Demand Generation, Content, and Indirect Channels at Nuvei, dives deep into the digital payments industry, emphasising on optimisation to help companies thrive and boost customer experience in a highly competitive market.

online payments, ecommerce, digital payments, digitalisation, fraud prevention, false declines, machine learning, artificial intelligence, fraud detection, checkout optimisation , payment methods, tokenization, PCI compliance, one-click payments, payment processing

The intricacies of payment routing – executive interview with Spreedly

Interviews | Online Payments | 04 Sep 2023

Andy McHale, Senior Director of Product and Market Strategy at Spreedly, presents a subject-focused take on the topics of payment orchestration and payment routing.

payments orchestration, payment processing, online payments, PIX, PCI DSS, PSP, fraud prevention, transactions , payment gateway, payment gate, false declines, cross-border payments, authorisation rate