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With the rise in transaction disputes in recent years, Amanda Gourbault from CompoSecure shares insights on leveraging payment cards to combat both friendly and malicious fraud.
chargebacks, friendly fraud, Card-not-present fraud, debit card, online security, fraud management, online payments
Sift, an AI-driven fraud prevention platform, has published its Q4 2024 Digital Trust Index, highlighting a substantial increase in first-party fraud and chargebacks.
fraud detection, ecommerce, friendly fraud, digital signature
The 2024 Chargeback Field Report, developed by Chargebacks911 has examined the state of chargeback management in the card-not-present (CNP) payments sector.
report, research, friendly fraud, chargebacks
We interviewed Justin Staskiewicz, Director of Fraud Solutions at CMSPI, about his advice for developing a future-proof fraud prevention strategy.
fraud prevention, fraud detection, AML, artificial intelligence, machine learning, ecommerce, ecommerce platform, treasury, online payments, payments , friendly fraud, merchant, payment fraud, fraud management
Chargebacks911's 2024 Field Report has revealed a significant rise in friendly fraud and CNP disputes, urging retailers to adopt advanced strategies to combat losses.
chargebacks, friendly fraud, CNP fraud, artificial intelligence, ecommerce
The Paypers has launched the sixth edition of the Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report, with a thorough overview of the hottest trends in the global fraud ecosystem.
report, fraud management, fraud detection, digital identity, KYC, KYB, online fraud, fraud prevention, online payments, ecommerce, payments , identity fraud, two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, CNP fraud, account takeover, promo abuse, refund fraud, merchants, generative AI, GenAI, first-party misuse, friendly fraud, biometrics, machine learning, scam, phishing, SCA, regulation, bot attacks
The 6th edition of the Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report provides a thorough overview of the global fraud ecosystem.
report, fraud prevention, fraud management, chargebacks, online fraud, merchant fraud, CNP fraud, account takeover, promo abuse, refund fraud, biometrics, digital identity, identity verification, merchants, ecommerce, generative AI, GenAI, machine learning, scam, phishing, Fraud decisioning, first-party misuse, fraud detection, SCA, two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, friendly fraud, regulation, bot attacks, behavioural biometrics
Gabriel Lucas, Director at Redbridge Debt and Treasury Advisory, addresses the rise of chargebacks and friendly fraud, offering strategies to tackle them.
friendly fraud, chargebacks, ecommerce, digital payments, policy abuse, merchants, merchant fraud, machine learning, artificial intelligence, marketplace
Data, analytics, and technology company Equifax has released new research which shows that fashion item refunds increased substantially in the UK.
refund, refund fraud, chargebacks, friendly fraud, online shopping
The cost of chargebacks has been on the rise for years. A new study published by Chargebacks911 and The Strawhacker Group provides a sobering look at the scale of the problem, while Monica Eaton, CEO and Founder of Chargebacks911, dives deeper into the pressing matter of chargebacks.
chargebacks, friendly fraud, fraud management, fraud detection, fraud prevention, online fraud, credit card, credit card fraud, merchant, checkout optimisation , customer experience, first-party misuse
Chargebacks911, an international chargeback management and prevention company, has released the findings of its 2024 Cardholder Dispute Index.
study, chargebacks, online fraud, friendly fraud, report
Jordan Chavis from the MRC discusses the challenges of the on-going holiday season and how merchants need to mitigate friendly fraud and chargebacks to keep the phenomenon to a minimum and not cause extra friction to the trustworthy shoppers.
chargebacks, friendly fraud, holiday fraud, ecommerce, fraud detection, online fraud, payment fraud, first-party misuse, generative AI, artificial intelligence, scam, account takeover, phishing, online shopping
Monica Eaton, Founder of Chargebacks911 and Fi911, talks about the role played by reporting tools in reducing friendly fraud, while meeting Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) exemptions.
fraud detection, online fraud, fraud prevention, friendly fraud, chargebacks, first-party misuse, fintech, ecommerce, fraud management, machine learning, artificial intelligence, online payments, payments , API
Sift has rolled out its Q4 2023 Digital Trust & Safety Index, which reveals that 42% of Gen Z admits to engaging in first party-fraud, among other trends in chargeback.
chargebacks, friendly fraud, APP fraud, report
With this year’s holiday season already booming, Roenen Ben-Ami, Co-Founder and Chief Risk Officer at Justt, shares some effective tips on how merchants can fight the rising phenomenon of chargebacks and first-party misuse.
fraud detection, online fraud, first-party misuse, friendly fraud, chargebacks, fraud prevention, payment fraud, artificial intelligence, merchants, PSD2, PSD3, 3-D Secure
Will Wyatt,Vice President of Global Partnerships at Signifyd, discusses the company’ s latest successful partnerships and delves into the main fraud concerns for merchants in 2024.
ecommerce, shopping, online shopping, fraud detection, online fraud, marketplace, retail, payments , refund, refund fraud, spam and abuse, chargebacks, machine learning, friendly fraud
The Paypers has launched its latest edition of the Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report, the ultimate source for the latest trends in the fraud prevention ecosystem.
fraud prevention, ecommerce, report, chargebacks, friendly fraud, identity fraud, APP fraud, biometrics, biometric authentication, artificial intelligence
The 5th edition of the Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report provides a thorough review of the global state of the fraud ecosystem and how can fraud be prevented.
fraud prevention, CNP fraud, account takeover, fraud management, online fraud, identity fraud, payment fraud, friendly fraud, fraud-as-a-service, ecommerce, regulation, SCA, compliance, PCI compliance, online payments, biometric authentication, biometrics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital identity, digital payments, digital onboarding, phishing, vishing, romantic scam, holiday fraud, identity verification, tokenization
US-based low-code platform provider Pegasystems has updated its Pega Smart Dispute solution to help retailers streamline chargeback processes.
artificial intelligence, digitalisation, chargebacks, friendly fraud, fraud prevention
Visa has made changes to its dispute handling, giving SMEs more tools to fight first-party misuse, also known as friendly fraud, for card-not-present transactions.
friendly fraud, chargebacks, Card-not-present fraud, SMEs, merchants, fraud prevention