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Galileo Financial Technologies adds 3D Secure to improve fraud protection

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 24 Jul 2024

Galileo Financial Technologies has launched Galileo 3D Secure Access Control Server (ACS) to assist clients with card-not-present (CNP) transactions.

fraud, 3D Secure, transaction fraud, fraud protection, CNP fraud

Visa announces generative AI-powered fraud solution

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 09 May 2024

Visa has launched Visa Account Attack Intelligence (VAAI) to combat card testing attacks, reducing fraud and operational losses in real-time for US issuers.

Card-not-present fraud, generative AI, CNP fraud, fraud prevention, risk management

Insights into local developments and payment preferences from industry experts – US, Australia, Spain

Interviews | Online Payments | 01 Mar 2024

Jennifer Lucas of EY Americas, Andy White of AusPayNet, and Ángel Nigorra of Bizum share insights into local developments and payments in the US, Australia, and Spain.

cross-border payments, ecommerce, ISO 20022, SEPA, local payment method, merchants, debit card, credit card, BNPL, account-to-account payment, mobile payments, e-wallet, cash, marketplace, CNP fraud, online security

Private-public collaboration and a toolbox approach to preventing economic crime

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 26 Jan 2024

Toby Evans, Head of Economic Crime at AusPayNet, discusses how private-public collaboration and adopting a toolbox approach can prevent fraud globally.

fraud detection, fraud management, online fraud, Card-not-present fraud, fraud prevention, ecommerce, APP fraud, online payments, payments , real-time payments, digital payments, CBDC, digital currency, generative AI, scam, cybercrime, money laundering, CNP fraud, data sharing

Today's trends in fighting fraud and top ecommerce risks confronting merchants

Interviews | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 18 Jan 2024

We spoke with Jeff Gipson, Director, Digital Fraud Product Management at Discover® Global Network, about today’s trends in fighting fraud and top ecommerce risks confronting merchants.

fraud prevention, ecommerce, merchants, machine learning, luxury goods, customer experience, merchant fraud, artificial intelligence, omnichannel, CNP fraud, Card-not-present fraud, card-on-file, tokenization, chargebacks

Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report 2023-2024

Report | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 14 Nov 2023

The 5th edition of the Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report provides a thorough review of the global state of the fraud ecosystem and how can fraud be prevented.

fraud prevention, CNP fraud, account takeover, fraud management, online fraud, identity fraud, payment fraud, friendly fraud, fraud-as-a-service, ecommerce, regulation, SCA, compliance, PCI compliance, online payments, biometric authentication, biometrics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital identity, digital payments, digital onboarding, phishing, vishing, romantic scam, holiday fraud, identity verification, tokenization

US debit has become more competitive for CNP merchants

Voice of the Industry | Cards | 31 Aug 2023

Christian Johnson, Senior Manager – Global Advocacy at CMSPI, discusses the opportunity of PIN-less debit and details the latest trends in enablement.

CNP fraud, transactions , transaction monitoring, debit card, online payments, digital payments, merchant, merchants, Card-not-present fraud

Ecommerce security: unified tools combat fraud & cyberattacks

Interviews | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 20 Apr 2023

Mary Writz, SVP of Product at Sift, reveals the impact of online payment fraud on ecommerce merchants, and why innovative organisations are taking an end-to-end approach to security with unified tools and technology.

ecommerce, fraud management, online authentication, CNP fraud, account takeover, risk management, Sift

Towards an effortless migration from 3DS1 to 3DS2

Voice of the Industry | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 11 Apr 2023

Patrick Drexler, Head of Business Development at Nethone, analyses the new opportunities for merchants arising from adopting 3DS2, which include reduced user friction, higher adoption rates, and fraud-free transactions.

digital identity, 3-D Secure, PSD2, online security, digital signature, ecommerce, ecommerce platform, fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, Card-not-present fraud, identity fraud, payment fraud, CNP fraud, transaction fraud, compliance, cybercrime, cybersecurity, omnichannel, online authentication, multi-factor authentication, two-factor authentication

GHL Taps PayNet's MyDebit secure card-not-present safety feature

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 11 Apr 2023

Malaysia-based fintech GHL Systems has chosen MyDebit Secure CNP (Card-Not-Present) from Payments Network Malaysia (PayNet) for safer online payments.

fraud prevention, online payments, CNP fraud, debit card, ecommerce

'Card hopping' fraudsters twist consumer financial tactics to stay undetected

Voice of the Industry | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 05 Apr 2023

Sift Trust and Safety Architect Jane Lee discusses how fraudsters are automating consumers’ ‘card hopping’ approach to credit cards to test stolen payment data, make unauthorised purchases, and more effectively avoid detection.  

fraud detection, machine learning, payment fraud, CNP fraud, Sift, credit card, cybercrime

Against all frauds: high-alert of fraud amid the US banking crisis

Voice of the Industry | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 27 Mar 2023

Uri Arad, Co-founder and VP of Product and Research  and Daniel Shkedi, Head of Product Marketing at Identiq, talk about the high global alert of fraud amid the latest US banking crisis, mentioning easy ways for businesses to protect themselves and their funds.

fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, scam, identity fraud, credit card fraud, payment fraud, account takeover, online payments, Account fraud, CNP fraud, transaction fraud, fraud prevention

From start-ups to scale-ups: lessons to learn from Israel top fraud prevention companies

Voice of the Industry | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 24 Mar 2023

Irina Ionescu, Senior Editor at The Paypers, provides an in-depth overview of the most promising fraud prevention startups in Israel, emphasising on their success model.

fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, fraud prevention, identity fraud, startup, Unicorn, digital identity, biometrics, biometric authentication, AML, artificial intelligence, machine learning, payment fraud, CNP fraud, fraud platform

Forter acquires Immue to boost bot detection capabilities

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 19 Jan 2023

Digital commerce platform Forter has recently announced the acquisition of Immue, an Israeli bot detection company to strengthen its existing fraud management capabilities. 

acquisition, bot attacks, fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, fraud prevention, CNP fraud, payment fraud, account takeover, identity theft, identity fraud, ecommerce, ecommerce platform, merchants, merchant fraud

Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report 2022-2023

Report | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 16 Dec 2022

The Paypers Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce Report 2022-2023 sets the scene for the latest insights and developments in fraud prevention

fraud prevention, tokenization, Card-not-present fraud, merchants, account takeover, fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, identity fraud, payment fraud, friendly fraud, chargebacks, credit card, CNP fraud, payments orchestration, cross-border payments, cross-border ecommerce, ecommerce, ecommerce platform, platform, online platform, regulation, PSD2, SCA, scam, 3-D Secure, compliance, PCI compliance, gambling, online payments, gift card fraud, refund fraud

Fraudsters don't take the holidays off, so here's the top attacks to watch for

Voice of the Industry | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 24 Oct 2022

As peak season approaches under a cloud of economic uncertainty, merchants will look to maximise good orders while minimising fraud. Cybersource directors, Mari-Anne Bayliss and Mark Strachan, share their top fraud attacks to watch out for, and how to balance a frictionless flow for genuine customers against keeping fraudsters at bay.

fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, fraud prevention, account takeover, payment fraud, transaction fraud, first-party misuse, CNP fraud, credit card fraud

New card payment technologies and the race to keep up with mobile payments

Voice of the Industry | Mobile Payments | 03 Nov 2022

Nick Maynard, Head of Research at Juniper Research, dives into new use cases for biometric cards and the importance of premium experience.

payment methods, biometric authentication, CNP fraud, Card-not-present fraud, card security code