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The impact of network tokens and payment orchestration on merchant services

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 27 Jun 2024

Lee Jones, CEO of Merchant Services UK at Worldline, analyses the disruptive impact that network tokens and payment orchestration have on merchant services.

tokenization, network tokenisation, payments orchestration, online payments, merchants, chargebacks, EMVCo, customer experience, card-on-file, PCI compliance, digital payments

Today's trends in fighting fraud and top ecommerce risks confronting merchants

Interviews | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 18 Jan 2024

We spoke with Jeff Gipson, Director, Digital Fraud Product Management at Discover® Global Network, about today’s trends in fighting fraud and top ecommerce risks confronting merchants.

fraud prevention, ecommerce, merchants, machine learning, luxury goods, customer experience, merchant fraud, artificial intelligence, omnichannel, CNP fraud, Card-not-present fraud, card-on-file, tokenization, chargebacks

Meeting the demand for seamless consumer payments experiences

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 23 May 2023

Ricardo Leite, Senior Vice President, Head of International Markets at Discover Global Network, discusses how consumer behaviour and modern technology are converging to create new payment experiences and how the industry can provide a seamless experience while maximising security and profitability.

debit card, credit card, BNPL, card on file, fraud detection, fraud management, online fraud, payment fraud, transaction fraud, biometrics, biometric authentication, online payments, digital payments, cybercrime, artificial intelligence, chargebacks, account takeover, malware, travel payments, cash management, local payment method

Tokenization and the fight against fraud

Voice of the Industry | Online Payments | 01 Mar 2023

In an interconnected world with a growing number of payment options, the need for strong security solutions is higher than ever. Nick Maynard, Head of Research at Juniper Research, tackles the use of tokenization for an efficient fight against fraud.

EMV, EMVCo, tokenization, online payments, payments , ecommerce, digital payments, PCI DSS, PCI compliance, fraud management, fraud detection, online fraud, fraud prevention, card-on-file, IOT, payment processing, mobile payments