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F-Secure acquires the Lookout consumer mobile security business

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 28 Apr 2023

Endpoint-to-cloud security company Lookout has entered an agreement to have its consumer mobile security business segment acquired by cybersecurity company F-Secure.

acquisition, cybersecurity, cloud services, cloud, fraud prevention, antivirus, data protection, data, fraud platform, fintech, digitalisation

McAfee launches McAfee+ in Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 10 Apr 2023

Online protection company McAfee has launched McAfee+ in Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands aiming to protect the privacy, identity, and online security of more consumers.

product launch, expansion, cybersecurity, cybercrime, fraud prevention, digital identity, identity fraud, antivirus, identity verification, online security, transaction fraud, VPN, malware, data breaches, fintech