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Interactive Investor, a UK-based investment platform, has announced a collaboration with NatWest’s Open Banking payments solution, Payit.
Open Banking, real-time payments, partnership, transactions , investment
Fraser Edwards, CEO and Co-Founder at cheqd, explains what decentralised identity, also known as self-sovereign identity (SSI) is and outlines how incoming regulations are shifting data ownership towards this new paradigm.
digital identity, identity verification, identity fraud, online authentication, data protection, self souvereign identity, banks, fintech
The Bank of England has announced its biggest interest rate increase in 27 years as it forecast that the war in Ukraine would fuel further inflation and tip the UK economy into a prolonged recession.
central bank, inflation, report, interest rate
Antler’s Altan Tutar runs us through how a venture capital firm looks at Web 3.0 and describes the various ways Web 3.0 could improve our lives
Web 3.0, blockchain, Venture Capital, startup
The first part of the M&As and investments overview regards the ecommece space and Gen Z and Millennials as main targets, and the fast-growing markets to watch, which are India and LATAM
merger, acquisition, investment, ecommerce, Gen Z
fintech, funding, lending
In spite of the fact that traditional retailing have a significant market share in the global retail market, ecommerce has gained considerable traction since 2011.
Technavio, ecommerce, market, global, retail, B2C, desktop, sales