
Equifax rolls out new credit scoring model

Wednesday 29 March 2023 11:18 CET | News

Data, analytics, and technology company Equifax has launched OneScore, a new consumer credit scoring model that combines alternative data insights with Equifax Cloud.


The new solution will provide US lenders and service providers with a more comprehensive financial picture of credit seeking consumers.

Equifax launches OneScore, a new consumer credit scoring model that combines alternative data insights with Equifax Cloud.

A complete credit report

OneScore combines traditional credit history with telecommunications, pay TV, and utility payment data on over 191 million consumers, as well as Equifax DataX and Teletrack specialty finance data on 80 million consumers, including payment history from non-traditional banks and lenders, potentially increasing credit scores by up to 25 points and the scorable population by more than 20%.

Company officials stated that Equifax has invested billions of dollars into unique data, verification insights, fraud reduction tools, powerful modelling techniques and cloud-based technology solutions that enable their customers to bring greater access to financial opportunity to more people in more places. OneScore is a testament to the ability of the Equifax Cloud in driving innovation that can increase the visibility of consumers to help expand access to credit and create new, mainstream financial opportunities.

Alternative credit data may positively impact consumers

While credit reports remain a strong indicator of credit history and past financial reliability, Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliant information that is not included in traditional credit report data has the potential to help responsibly expand consumer access to credit opportunity and support a more inclusive economy.

The majority of US adults have at least one utility bill or cell phone in their name, making access to utility payment provides a widespread and powerful indicator of past financial reliability, as per the press release. When combined with additional speciality finance data on more than 80 million credit invisible, unscorable, thin-file and credit rebuilding consumers from DataX and Teletrack, the opportunity to expand access to credit through alternative data insights extends even further. Over 99% of the tradelines, payments, and inquiries captured in DataX and Teletrack do not exist in the traditional credit file.

OneScore compared to traditional credit scoring

Driven by advanced analytics and machine learning, OneScore is able to score an estimated 21% more - or 8.8 million credit seeking consumers - than when compared to traditional scoring models. In addition, approximately 15% more or 6.3 million applicants that are considered subprime, no hit or thin file could be approved for a near prime or prime offer without increasing risk when OneScore is used in combination with a traditional risk score.

OneScore’s representatives said they understand that a single financial opportunity can be a critical step to establishing individual financial health and generational wealth that can change the trajectory and livelihood of families and communities for generations. OneScore is designed to provide lenders and service providers with a more robust financial picture of consumers who are actively seeking new financial services - helping people to showcase payment history that may not have historically been factored into loan decisioning to obtain new financial opportunities or better rates.

Source: Link

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Keywords: credit scoring, product launch, data analytics, financial inclusion, data aggregation
Categories: Payments & Commerce
Companies: Equifax
Countries: United States
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