
UAE Exchange rolls out gocash card and mobile app

Monday 11 December 2017 00:46 CET | News

UAE Exchange has announced its partnership with online travel firm Cleartrip for a co-branded gocash card and mobile app.

The gocash Cleartrip co-branded card is powered by Mastercard and allows users to load several international currencies.

The move follows UAE Exchange’s launch of its money transfer mobile app and website, Travellers with the gocash Cleartrip card can receive benefits like exclusive offers and discounts when booking through the website and mobile app, earn gocash WACAO reward points as well as avail an exchange rate lock facility on the card and free travel insurance from UAE Exchange.

The app aims to facilitate quick exchange rate calculations, moving currencies from one wallet to another, creating or deleting of currency wallets, changing priority of currency usage, service requests, activation and deactivation of online transactions, notifications on special offers, seamless registration, etc.

UAE Exchange customers can also sign up for the gocash app by registering with their Emirates ID.

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Keywords: UAE Exchange, GoCash, mobile app, payments app, card, wallets
Categories: Payments & Commerce
Countries: World
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Payments & Commerce