The retail sector is undergoing major changes, most of which have been accelerated by the COVID-19 outbreak. Ecommerce has been crucial for the continuation of economic and societal activities in Europe. The sector has proven resilient and helped many businesses accelerate, or even start, their digital transformation, leading to the development of seamless commerce (or omnichannel) solutions. It is expected that, in the long run, the pandemic will have triggered permanent social and economic changes. It has become imperative for businesses and governments to invest in digital tools and literacy. The investment in digitalisation is also increasingly linked to a transition to a sustainable economy, to continue shaping the future of retail also after the pandemic. These twin transitions to a more digital and greener Europe are reflected in the European Commission’s plans, which stress that investing in digital and sustainable infrastructure is required to rebuild a strong European economy.
While we are only a couple of months into the new year, it is already certain that 2022 will be a decisive year for the European policy orientation and framework, with decisive legislation for the digital sector, for our transition to a circular economy, the future of our payments or logistics markets as well as taxation in the EU.
But for these ambitions to materialise, Ecommerce Europe believes that the future of EU policy must be built on key horizontal principles that can be applied in all legislative files relevant for the ecommerce sector. These horizontal principles apply to all the policy fields shaped by the European Union. Considering the amount of extremely relevant legislation being either discussed or proposed this year, there is a clear opportunity for policymakers to consider these principles in the legislative process.
1. Channel neutrality
Online and offline channels should be treated equally from a regulatory perspective to ensure the further development of omnichannel solutions by companies so that consumers can ultimately benefit from a seamless shopping experience. Ecommerce Europe advocates for channel neutrality in legislation as paramount for digital retailers to succeed.
2. Harmonisation
Due to the increasingly cross-border nature of ecommerce, the fragmentation of the regulatory framework within the Single Market adds further obligations and burdens to businesses. Companies have been facing obstacles expanding abroad and implementing new cross-border solutions across the Union due to legal fragmentation. Ecommerce Europe advocates for more harmonised EU rules, which are fundamental to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens and create legal certainty for businesses.
3. Proportionality
To allow innovation and the growth of a strong European business climate, the regulatory framework must be clear and not impose disproportionate obligations on businesses. In addition, Ecommerce Europe advocates for principle-based rules.
4. Level playing field
Ecommerce players active in the Union but based in non-EU countries should play by the same rules as EU-based businesses to avoid creating any unfair competition. Ecommerce Europe advocates for a level playing field to ensure that EU-based businesses do not suffer from a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis non-EU-based players.
5. Enforcement
Enforcement of EU rules, both in the Union itself and especially against companies based in third countries, has proven to be challenging, as national competent authorities are often under-resourced, under-staffed, and lack in (international) coordination. Ecommerce Europe calls on the European Commission and the EU Member States to boost and ensure effective and efficient enforcement of the EU legislation.
6. SME-friendly
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the European economy. Many of them have embraced ecommerce and shifted to omnichannel solutions in the past years – and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Therefore, decision-makers should focus on providing SMEs financial support and reducing administrative burdens at EU and national level, to give them a fair chance to compete in a fast-paced global market.
To read more about our key principles, as well as our ambitions in the respective policy fields, please read our Priority Paper 2022.
About Stefano Mauro
Stefano Mauro is the lead of the e-Logistics Working Committee of Ecommerce Europe. Stefano has five years of experience in the EU Public Affairs sector and, through the e-Logistics Working Committee, deals with different topics related to the parcel delivery market, both at global and EU level. In particular, his work is focused on all EU and Universal Postal Union (UPU) issues that are relevant for ecommerce and that have an impact on postal/parcel delivery services, including VAT and Customs issues, standardisation, and other topics.
About Ecommerce Europe
Ecommerce Europe is the voice of the ecommerce sector in Europe, representing, via its national associations, more than 150,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales can grow further.
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