
Europe: 22% of online shoppers buy cross-border - report

Tuesday 11 November 2014 14:41 CET | News

Nearly a quarter of Europeans has bought products and services online across the border in August – October 2014, reports.

Additionally, cross-border shopping consumers, per individual, spend more money online (EUR 337) than the consumer who only shops at domestic web stores (EUR 228), according to the ‘Plan your ecommerce expansion’ report conducted by the research agency Forrester.

The same source indicates that inhabitants from smaller EU countries and countries with a less developed ecommerce industry usually shop abroad. When asked the question “In the past three months, have you ever ordered products from a website outside of your home country”, 30% of the Swedes, 29% of the Spaniards and 28% of the Italians answered positive, while in Germany the percentage was only 16%.

When it comes to international expansion, according to research, the first step would be to implement a phased internationalization plan, then build the brand and work closely with local partners. Drafting a partner roadmap, so it becomes clear which parts of the operation are done by the online store and which parts will be outsourced locally, is equally important.

Check out our Cross-border Ecommerce Research section here for more info on country-specific ecommerce facts and figures, preferred payment methods, risk and fraud, as well as ecommerce legislation and regulation for mature and emerging markets.

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Keywords: Europe, cross-border, ecommerce, online shopper, buyer, merchant, across border
Categories: Payments & Commerce
Countries: World
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Payments & Commerce