
Swedish construction organisation BEAst joins PEPPOL

Wednesday 29 January 2014 10:16 CET | News

Swedish Construction Industry’s Electronic Business Standard, BEAst (“Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard”), has joined PEPPOL network.

BEAst currently consists of 75 companies and organisations within the Swedish construction industry and its focus is to set up common standards for e-business in collaboration with Nordic and international organisations.

BEAst members will use their industry specific messages within their construction industry community, using the PEPPOL Transport Infrastructure during a one year pilot evaluation period.

BEAst will start implementations in January 2014.

The OpenPEPPOL Association is responsible for the governance and maintenance of the PEPPOL specifications that enable European businesses to deal electronically with any European public sector buyer in their procurement processes. Membership is open to public and private organisations.

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Keywords: Sweden, construction organisation, BEAst, PEPPOL, e-invoicing, e-procurement, PEPPOL Transport Infrastructure
Categories: Banking & Fintech
Countries: World
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