As per the agreement, Apple’s Touch ID fingerprint authentication will be integrated into IsCep, Isbank’s mobile banking application. The new functionality removes the need to type in a PIN, enabling a login without compromising security.
Touch ID authentication for IsCep is available on iOS 8 for Touch ID-enabled phones (iPhone 5S and subsequent models). This feature means that users swipe their fingerprint to log in - which is verified by comparing it to the fingerprint stored securely on the device - instead of typing in their PIN.
Türkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank) is today the largest bank of the country in terms of shareholders’ equity and total loans and the largest private bank in terms of total assets and total deposits. Isbank has 1,349 domestic and foreign branches and over 6,000 ATMs that make up the largest ATM network in Turkey, internet banking, telephone banking and call center Isbank.
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