Discover all the payments and fintech-related news and analysis about Uganda in The Paypers News, Reports, along with other Uganda-specific insights on the payments and fintech industry:
Discover all the payments and fintech-related news and analysis about Uganda in The Paypers News, Reports, along with other
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Paysky and MTN Group Fintech have introduced Market by MoMo, an ecommerce platform aimed at Ugandan merchants and consumers.
ecommerce, partnership, financial inclusion, fintech
Paytech Flutterwave has been granted a Payments System Operator (PSO) licence from the Bank of Uganda, furthering its expansion across Africa.
digital payments, expansion, financial inclusion, mobile payments, growth markets
Uganda-based Centenary Bank has introduced a new core banking system named Flexcube to meet customer demand for instant digital banking services.
digital banking, product launch, API, lending, digital onboarding
I&M Bank Uganda has announced a strategic partnership with Mastercard, intending to improve the banking experience for customers.
online banking, mobile banking, debit card, financial services, digital payments, online security
Uganda has confirmed that accounts in the country's central bank had been hacked, as officials also have downplayed the extent of the losses.
online fraud, fraud detection, fraud management, financial crime
TerraPay and Diamond Trust Bank Uganda have announced a partnership to expand international money transfers and strengthen financial inclusion in Uganda.
money transfer, financial inclusion, credit access, cross-border payments, partnership