ThreatFabric utilises web and mobile threat intelligence to offer advanced online fraud detection solutions for the financial industry. Their cutting-edge technologies, such as behavioural analytics, device fingerprinting, and adaptive fraud indicators provide businesses with real-time fraud prevention and detection to ensure safe online experiences.
Year founded
Target group
Financial institutions and ecommerce
Supported regions
ThreatFabric supports banks, financial institutions, and law enforcement across the globe with markets in Europe, the UK, and Asia.
Company's motto
Peace of mind for you and your customers.
Core solution/problems the company solves
ThreatFabric offers a SaaS solution to the financial sector, enabling fraud detection across web and mobile channels with features like threat intel, malware threat detection, behavioural analytics, and advanced device fingerprinting. We have a web and mobile SDK and online portal that handles the early fraud indicators inside online payment journeys. Detecting fraud prior to the transaction is key in a world of instant payments.
Machine learning
Supervised ML
Fraud prevention partners
Trapets, Hawk AI, Fox-IT
Lead investors Motive Ventures, ABN AMRO Bank Ventures, with participation from 10xFounders and 14Peaks capital.
Year-over-year growth rate
For more info regarding Year-over-year growth rate you can reach us at .
Number of employees
Approx. 50
Future developments
Behaviour based location intelligence, AI driven threat modelling as part of behavioural biometrics.
Customers reference
ABN AMRO Bank, Rabobank, iDEAL, Natwest, Barclays, BNP Paribas, CBA, Metro bank, ANZ, Erste Group