Company Database - DataVisor

Intelligence to Protect

DataVisor is a cutting edge fraud detection platform based on machine learning. Using proprietary unsupervised machine learning algorithms, DataVisor helps restore trust in digital commerce by helping businesses proactively detect and prevent fraud. Combining advanced analytics and an intelligence network of more than 4B user accounts globally, DataVisor protects businesses against financial and reputational damage. 

Service Provider Type
Technology vendor (other types can be added, if applicable)

Member of industry associations and or initiatives
For more information please contact the company

Target Markets
online shoppers; financial institutions; payment service providers; government services ; online communities/web merchants; gaming and gambling; other online businesses

Geographical presence

Unique selling points
Technology solutions for detecting fraud

Core services
Transaction services (offering connectivity to other credential issuers)

Pricing Model
DataVisor uses proprietary unsupervised machine learning algorithms to provide early detection of emerging fraud patterns without the need of historical loss labels or lengthy training periods. Since its predictive power is not based on historic labels, DataVisor can provide early detection with high accuracy even without frequent model re-tuning.

Fraud prevention partners
For more information please contact the company

Other services
Microsoft, AWS

Third party connection
For more information please contact the company

Contact DataVisor

967 N Shoreline Blvd +1 408–331–9886
94043 Mountain View
United States