Company Database - Envestnet Yodlee

Leading data aggregation and analytics platform

 Envestnet | Yodlee is the leading data aggregation and analytics platform enabling innovation and insights for financial service providers. Our platform has proudly fuelled innovation for financial institutions and fintech for more than 20 years, ultimately helping consumers achieve better financial lives. 

Head office
Chicago, IL - Envestnet / San Mateo, CA - Yodlee

Envestnet was founded by Jud Bergman, Bill Crager, Brandon Thomas, and Jim Lumberg. Together with a team of seasoned industry peers, they began development of a wealth management platform that would provide advisors with the tools they needed to compete in an ever evolving marketplace.

Funding rounds and investors

Service provider type   
Open Banking enablers 
API connectivity for data retrieval & value-added services on the data 
End-user solutions and propositions: 1. account aggregation, 2. personal finance management services
Fraud/risk/security: Envestnet | Yodlee products such as our Account Verification decrease fraud but are not typically sold as dedicated fraud/risk/security solutions. For example, our Account Verification solutions reduces fraudulent attempts while streamlining onboarding.  
How it works
Envestnet | Yodlee APIs deliver financial data from over 17,000 global data sources, so fintechs and financial service providers get the bank, credit card, investment, loans, rewards, and financial account data they need. Envesnet | Yodlee also cleans, categorises, and enriches the data making it easy to use from the start.

What problem does the company solve
We provide secure, open, and trusted access to the highest quality financial data to enable the innovations for financial service providers and the customers they serve.

Types of supported APIs\API standard supported

Industries/target markets
Financial Institutions, Fintechs, Wealth Management

Geographical coverage (operational area)
United States, Canada, UK, Europe, South Africa, Australia, India, and others

Business model/pricing
Get started for free in our developer portal.

Cloud enabled/native cloud/on premises/hybrid/API

Software language
Java, python, PHP among others

Software development tools
Our developer Portal serves software developers seeking to leverage the capabilities of the comprehensive global Envestnet | Yodlee financial platform. Our developer portal contains quick start guides, tools, techniques, and documentation aimed at helping developers launch their products quickly and effectively.

Customers / Case studies
SAVVI Financial


Contact Envestnet Yodlee

+1 800 427 1913

News on Envestnet Yodlee

15 Jun 2023 Paycepaid partners Envestnet | Yodlee
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