Prism Data News

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Stratyfy joins forces with Prism Data

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 19 Jul 2024

Fintech company Stratyfy has entered a collaboration with Prism Data to support lenders in optimising their decision-making process by utilising cash flow data. 

lending, artificial intelligence, machine learning, financial data, credit access

Prism Data launches CashScore FirstDetect

News | Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud | 05 Mar 2024

Prism Data has announced the launch of its CashScore FirstDetect product, in order to optimise the manner in which financial providers identify and stop first-party fraud. 

product launch, fraud management, fraud detection, fraud prevention, online fraud, identity theft, identity verification, digital identity

Prism Data partners with Plaid

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 19 May 2023

Prism Data has partnered with Plaid to make it easier for businesses to analyse and use consumer-permissioned Open Banking data to underwrite consumers.

partnership, Open Banking, Open Finance, API, data