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XYB partners with Google Cloud for generative AI

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 26 Sep 2023

Coreless banking platform provider XYB, a subsidiary of fintech Monese, has announced a partnership with Google Cloud to bring generative AI to its platform.

partnership, banking, fintech, generative AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data, risk management, compliance

Monese's XYB partners with Paymentology

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 26 Jul 2023

Global issuer-processor Paymentology has announced its partnership with Monese’s XYB in order to improve the latter’s coreless banking platform.

partnership, mobile banking, online banking, banking, digital banking

Monese launches XYB banking platform

News | Online & Mobile Banking | 24 May 2023

Fintech company Monese has launched its XYB banking platform, aimed to improve the way banks make financial services accessible for UK and European clients.

product launch, mobile banking, online banking, digital banking, banking, financial services, financial institutions, financial data