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Ecommerce Facts and Figures in Unitedstates

Mobile commerce and online shopper behaviour in Unitedstates

Read below more about ecommerce growth, Ecommerce sales and cross-border ecommerce in Unitedstates

The US has long been the global ecommerce super-power, with 75.8% of the population shopping online in 2013. Its value reached USD 263.3 billion and 16% of this was attributed to mobile commerce. Yet, growth in the US is slowing, with CAGR down to 13.5% from 16% in 2012. Whereas the US ecommerce market is losing momentum, the APAC region is making gains. In 2013, the sales from China outpaced those of the US for the first time.

Total Population
- 315 million
Age Breakdown
- 40.2% of the population in the US are between 25 and 54.
- 78% of the total American population are Christian.
- 51% are Protestant and 23.9% are Catholic.
- 16% of the population are unaffiliated to a religion. 
Urban Population
- 83%
Internet Penetration
- 87% 
- 280 million
Mobile Penetration
- 110% 
Tablet Penetration
- 34% 
- 10% increase since 2012.
Smartphone Penetration
- 166 million smartphone users.
- 68.8% penetration. 
Online Shoppers
- 191 million
Ecommerce Sales
- USD 263.3 billion

Cross-border Ecommerce Opportunities
• The US is the world leader in terms of cross-border ecommerce imports and exports. 
• Clothes and accessories, followed by health and beauty products, are popular cross-border purchases for shoppers in the US. This indicates that the global marketplace better meets their needs than their domestic market.
• In the US there are 34.1 million online cross-border shoppers, spending USD 40.6 billion in 2013. 
• American online consumers mostly shop from the UK (49%), China (39%), Canada (34%), Hong Kong (20%) and Australia (18%).

Language as a Key Driver
• The most common language in the US is known as American English. English is the de facto national language of the US, with 80% of the population claiming it as mother tongue. 
• English is the third largest language today, by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. 
• English is the most popular language online, with 26.8% share.
• The countries with the highest populations of native English speakers are, in descending order: the US (292 million), Canada (18.2 million), Australia (15.5 million), Nigeria (4 million), Ireland (3.8 million), South Africa (3.7 million), and New Zealand (3.6 million).